
See the photographs from the OC Register Photography Workshop

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First Place was awarded to Abhishek Vootukuru for his portrait of a model in Orange.
Second Place went to Josh Tomsha for his photo of costumed dogs at Irvine Regional Park.
Third Place went to Rick Barboza for his flag football photo at Santiago Middle School in Orange.
Bailey Read received an Honorable Mention for a photo in Irvine Regional Park.
Gizella Nyquist received an Honorable Mention for a photo of a peacock at Irvine Regional Park.

  • Irvine Regional Park (Photo by Josh Tomsha)

  • A model in Orange. (Photo by Abhi Vootukuru)

  • Sound
    The gallery will resume inseconds
  • Dog in pink at the Susan G Komen walk. (Photo by by April Sanders)

  • Palm Market in Orange. (Photo by Mary Beyer)

  • A sunflower at Irvine Regional Park. (Photo by Bailey Read)

  • Model Kelsey Orange (Photo by Alex Redd)

  • Portrait at Chapman University. (Photo by Rick Valasek)

  • A model peers through a sculpture at Chapman Universtiy in Orange. (Photo by Eric Licas)

  • Costumed dogs in Orange, CA on Sunday, February 17, 2019. (Photo by Monica Pignotti)

  • Irvine Regional Park (Photo by Gizella Nyquist)

  • Flag football at Santiago Middle School in Orange. (Photo by Rick Barboza)

  • Chapman University water polo practice. (Photo by Jane Canseco)

  • A model in Orange. (Photo by Skylar Hunter)

  • Portrait of a model at the campus at Chapman University. (Photo by David Freeman)

  • Chapman University campus. (Photo Jessie Taylor)

  • Participants of the “Give a Bear a Heart” event hosted by the Fullerton Elks Lodge #1993 on Saturday, February 16, 2019. (Photo by Frank D’Amato)



Photographers recently gathered over two days at Chapman University to hone their craft during the first Orange County Register Photography Workshop.

Participants heard lectures of Register staff photographers Leonard Ortiz, Mark Rightmire and Kevin Sullivan. They spoke on creative lighting for portraits, finding a personal vision and photographing peak sports action.

As part of the workshop participants accompanied staff photographers on assignments and incorporated what they had learned.

Photographers shot portraits with a model, photographed a flag football game and attended a 5K run for owners and their costumed dogs.

First place was awarded to Abhishek Vootukuru for a touching portrait. Second place went to Josh Tomsha for a photo of the interaction of a dog owner and his four dogs. And Third went to Rick Barboza for a peak action photo from the flag football game.