
Caltrans, Yorba Linda make sure President Nixon gets his props

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Q. Honk: I periodically travel the Richard Nixon portion of Imperial Highway in Yorba Linda. At one end of that segment the informational sign reads, “Richard Nixon Fwy.” On the other end, a sign says “Richard Nixon Pwy.” Can you explain why? – Ken Roth, San Clemente

 A. Yes.

Or at least Van Nguyen, a Caltrans spokeswoman for Orange County, can.

Back in 2002, a state Assembly bill prompted part of that stretch, formally called State Route 90, to be turned over to the city to help Yorba Linda complete construction and maintenance projects there.

With the transfer, that stretch was no longer technically a state highway, or freeway, but Yorba Linda’s leaders still wanted to honor President Nixon.

“The city received a request from the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation to designate the section of Imperial Highway (SR-90) from Yorba Linda Boulevard to Yorba Linda’s south city limit as the ‘Richard Nixon Parkway’ in tribute to President Richard Nixon,” Nguyen told Honk in an email. “At a City Council meeting (in 2002), the Yorba Linda City Council approved the resolution for that designation.

“The portion of the freeway,” Nguyen added, “not within Yorba Linda’s jurisdiction remains the Richard M. Nixon Freeway.”

The entire parkway/freeway, by the way, is 2.3 miles long.

That, history buffs, is nearly twice the distance of the drive from the Watergate Hotel, which had an office complex, to the White House.

Q. As you know, the city has been installing humps in city streets to slow down traffic. On at least one street, the city did not repaint the center lines so people would split the humps and not slow down. To stop this, in the past two weeks, the city painted a pair of solid yellow lines along the middle, breaking at intersections. This has created a problem: When I turn into my son’s driveway, I have to cross the double-yellow lines, thus opening myself up for a moving violation. Would you please contact the city and see what someone there has to say?

– John Weiser, Anaheim

A. You are all good to visit your son, John. Tell him Honk said hello, and that his pops won’t be getting a ticket for dropping in.

Honk checked in with Shane Spielman, a motorcycle officer for Anaheim’s finest, and he said it is “legal to cross over a single set of double yellow lines” in that scenario.

You can’t cross them to pass anyone, though.

And two sets of double-yellows or double-whites are like a wall – don’t ever cross over them.

Honkin’ future?: There are 62 companies with permits allowing them to test autonomous vehicles on public roadways in California if a safety driver is aboard, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles.


To ask Honk questions, reach him at honk@ocregister.com. He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: ocregister.com/tag/honk.