
All cops can get you for speeding or any other traffic violation

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Q. Hello Honk: This past weekend I saw a very odd sight on the 91 Freeway – an Orange County Sheriff’s Department patrol car with no one daring to drive past him or her for a few miles until the sheriff’s car exited the freeway. I’m thinking that was because it was a black and white car and most everyone thought it was the California Highway Patrol’s. Can an Orange County sheriff’s deputy give you a speeding ticket on the freeway?

– Mario Luna, Anaheim

A. You bet.

The deputy’s focus was likely on getting to a work-related destination, but under the law he or she could have pulled out a citation book.

“California peace officers can cite on any public roadway and/or make an arrest anywhere within the state of California,” said Lt. Joses Walehwa of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

What is a peace officer exactly?

Well, any sworn officer with a force recognized under the law as a police agency, including those that serve cities, universities, transit authorities or airports. This does not include security-guard forces.

By the way, the long arm of the law can reach farther than a state’s border.

Police agencies often have policies and agreements with their brethren on the other side of the state line, allowing them to keep pursuing a suspect of a serious offense into the other state, said Duane Graham, a California Highway Patrol officer and spokesman.

Q. A hit-and-run collision this week damaged the front, driver-side bumper on my car where I have a red carpool-lane sticker. The body shop said it could not move the sticker to the replacement part and did not know what I should do about it. Is it possible to get a replacement red sticker, even though the current ones being issued are a different color? Can I get a single new sticker or do I need a whole set?

– Tod Fitch, San Clemente

A. Yes, you can get a new red one – and three more. An entire four-sticker set would be issued.

Tod is talking about the state-issued Clean Air Vehicle Decals, which allow drivers of specific vehicles that meet ultra-high standards for emissions to drive without a passenger in carpool lanes.

“Replacement decals will be the same color, with the same expiration date that was initially issued to the vehicle,” said Nicholas Filipas, a Department of Motor Vehicles spokesman. “Applications are processed in the order they are received and are sent out usually within 30 days.”

You will need to fill out a short form and mail it in with a $22 check to the DMV. The new stickers must go over your three old ones in addition to the bumper getting a new sticker.

For more info, go to dmv.ca.gov and halfway down the home page click on the “Clean Air Vehicle Decal” link.

Honkin’ best license plate ever: Spotted on the 405 Freeway in south Orange County: “A SML 4U.” How can you see that and not feel a little bit better about life?

To ask Honk questions, reach him at honk@ocregister.com. He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: ocregister.com/tag/honk.